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How to Use A/B Testing for Conversion Rate Optimisation


Do you want to increase your conversions and boost the performance of your online store? A/B testing is an effective and proven way to do this. A/B testing (also known as split testing) is a process that allows you to compare two versions of a web page or app to see which performs better. By comparing these versions, you can determine which changes have a positive impact on conversion rates, customer experience and sales. In this article, we'll discuss what A/B testing is, how it works and how you can implement it for your ecommerce store.

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing is a simple yet powerful technique for optimizing the performance of your website or app by comparing two versions of the same page or feature against each other. The goal of A/B testing is to test different elements on the page such as headlines, images, copy or design elements to see which one has the highest conversion rate.

The process usually involves creating two versions of a web page or feature: Version A (the original version) and Version B (the variation). You then randomly show Version A and Version B to visitors who come to your site. This allows you to measure which version performs better in terms of conversions (or any other metric that you are interested in).

How does it work?

The basic steps for implementing an A/B test are as follows:

1. Decide which element(s) on the page you want to test

This could be anything from headlines, images or even layout changes.

2. Create two variations of the page with different elements

Create two separate versions of the same page: Version A (the original version) and Version B (the variation). Make sure that both versions have identical content except for the element(s) being tested.

3. Set up an experiment

Set up an experiment in a tool like Google Optimize that will allow you to track visitors and their behaviour on both versions of the page. Make sure that visitors who come to your site are randomly shown either Version A or Version B so that you can get accurate results from the experiment.

4. Track results

Monitor the results over time to see which version performs better in terms of conversions or any other metrics that you are interested in tracking.

5. Analyse data and draw conclusions

Once enough data has been collected, analyse it carefully and see if there are any significant differences between both versions. If there are, then make sure to take action accordingly by making changes based on what works best for your business goals!

What Should I Test?

Before starting an A/B test, it's important to identify what elements on your web pages need improvement and would benefit from being tested. Here are some common things that marketers tend to test when using A/B tests:


Changing headlines on landing pages can often have a significant impact on conversions since they're one of the first things people see when they arrive at a website or product page.


Images can be just as important as text when it comes to persuading people into buying something online. Try swapping out product photos with more attractive ones, adding lifestyle shots, etc.

Call-to-action buttons

From button placement, colour, size, shape, messaging …there's plenty you can test here! Experimenting with different CTAs will help improve conversions significantly.


Test different types of copywriting styles : long form vs short form; persuasive vs factual; humorous vs serious; etc. Writing compelling copy makes all the difference when it comes down to getting people interested in what you're offering!


Test various combinations such as sidebars, banner locations, etc. Different layouts may encourage users to go further down your website leading them closer towards making their purchase!

Conclusion on conversion rate optimisation with A/B testing

A/B testing is an effective way for businesses looking at improving their online performance by understanding consumer behaviour better than ever before! By focusing on small but measurable changes such as headlines, images, call-to-action buttons & copywrite; businesses can make informed decisions about how they should design & develop their websites moving forward. Through thoughtful implementation & analysis—businesses can make sure their websites are yielding maximum ROI & providing customers with great experiences every time they visit!